Since its inception, Mowat films has developed expertise in the production of various television formats, including magazine shows, documentaries and news stories.

Television show


Mashaheer is a weekly prime-time television show presented by Diala Makki that airs on Dubai TV, the leading channel in the Arab world. Mowat Films first collaborated on the show’s design, initially as an executive producer, before taking over full production in January 2022.

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Aux côtés de Cat Productions, Mowat films a assuré la production exécutive de plus d’une 30aine de documentaires (52’) diffusés sur la chaîne KTO.

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Documentary series

Murder at the Cottage

Mowat Films provided executive production for all filming on French soil of the documentary series ‘Murder at the Cottage, The Search for Justice for Sophie’, directed by Jim Sheridan and broadcast on SKY in 2022.

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Television show

Hard Talk

Mowat films a participé, en tant que producteur exécutif, à la conception de l’émission HardTalk diffusé sur la BBC.

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Leonardo Di Caprio Most Wanted

Mowat films a assuré la production exécutive de documentaires pour le compte de sociétés de production allemandes (Schnittstelle, Broadview, Hoferichter & Jacobs, Dreamteam, etc) et diffusés sur la chaine franco-allemande ARTE.

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